I think that the payment system in this company is really good, because it doesn't really matter what your base salary is at the beginning. If you work hard you get evaluated, and based on the evaluation you'll get the bonus and also a salary raise.
I think it is really good because it values, you know, your efforts, and anyone, it doesn't matter how long you've been working for the company, if you work hard, then you get the raise and it keeps going up. So I think this system works really well and it's really satisfying.
会社や英語サービス部の雰囲気はとても良く、皆さん優しいです 。昼食を一緒に食べたり、仕事終わりや休みの日にみんなで遊んだり、飲みに行ったりします。とても楽しく、本当に充実しています。いつも意見交換をしているし、互いのアイデアやプロジェクトについての相談もできます。コミュニケーションを通じてみんなで成長できるので、もっともっと仕事したくなるし、チームを大きく、強くするために頑張りたくなりますね。すごく良い雰囲気のチームが大好きです。私はとてもラッキーだと思います。毎日大変なことが色々ありますが、チームリーダーとして安心できるし、苦になりません。
I think the atmosphere in the company, and the English team also, is really good. Everyone is really friendly. During break, you know, we have lunch together. We also see each other outside work, on our days off or after work with drinks obviously, and we just have fun and it's really satisfying working together. We always exchange opinions and we grow together by talking to each other all the time. We can talk about each other’s ideas and projects and it makes you want to work more and work better and make an effort to make the team bigger and better. I think it's a really good atmosphere.I love my team. I'm really lucky.
As a leader there are a lot of difficult things I have to do every day,but the idea of being the leader of this team makes everything so much easier.
Yumekana English is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and we have so many new challenges so I can't wait to have new members and I can't wait to work with you! Waiting for you, here.