




Please tell us about your efforts as a student.


During my school years, I loved the arts, especially theater. So I wrote, produced, directed, and starred in many short films. So I love making short movies. As for my days off, I like to spend the first day off doing outdoor activities, and the second day off doing indoor activities. So recently I love going to the beach, and I just discovered mountain hiking, so I really like that. Especially around Yokohama.
And then the next day on my day off, I love to do nothing. I wanna read books, watch movies, and maybe go to an onsen.


What motivated you to join Jstyle?


I had been teaching for 6 years before this job. And then I decided to take a risk. I started working for a medical company. And I was acting as a journalist reporting on heart surgery. And it’s very different to what I was used to. But I learned a lot more about the business side of things. And after doing that for 1 year, I realized I wanted to be back in my classroom. But I wanted to bring with me all the things I had learned in business. And I didn't want to return to somewhere familiar like a school or an ordinary Eikaiwa. You know, I wanted something that blends both. When I saw Yumekana, it seemed like it was exactly, uniquely able to offer me the job I wanted. So to me, it was a perfect match.


Could you give us a specific job description?


So my job description is a leader of the teacher department. But I always think of myself as a teacher first. At my core, that’s what I do. That’s what I’m comfortable, and that’s what I can apply everything I’ve learned. But I’m also the leader, because I interact with all the other teachers. I try to fix a consensus with the other teachers to see how we can achieve our long term goals. So my official title is leader, and I love leading the team, but I couldn’t be a leader unless in my heart I was a teacher. So that’s why I feel like I’m teaching. First and foremost, the English staff teach.
You can see it in every individual teacher here. You can see their passion in teaching. But on top of that, there is some supplementary thing. Taking registrations, contacting students, checking resumes, all the supplementary stuff. It’s designed ultimately to make the classes better and help the students where we can help them. There’s a lot of little jobs, but all of it ties back to teaching. Do you actually enjoy working and teaching English to students? I do. I really do. Every lesson is a surprise. You meet a few characters. It’s an interesting scene the way people play with the language. It makes me think about English in a way that I haven’t thought about before. But really the most satisfying part is when you see a student go from a placement test, and then struggling with their English, all the way through to graduation, and then sending you a long thank-you email. It’s so nice seeing, seeing that progress, what feels like such a short time.


Do you have a lot of interaction with students?


The main interaction is in the classes. But we’re always quick to remind them that if they have any questions, they are free to email us anytime. But a lot of the teachers, including myself, we’re happy to answer emails, but it’s not the same as real one-on-one interaction. So we offer consultations, but the really big one is coffee talk. We allow an hour every week to coffee talk. Coffee talk is a place where we can talk really about anything. So it really varies from, I think it’s 50-50 between hobbies and then real academic work.


How do you feel about the atmosphere over Jstyle when you actually work there?


I really love it. I think the company puts a lot of stake in trust and personal responsibility. I think some companies may see that as a risk, and some companies tend to micro manage.
But I think, here, every individual is carefully selected. And everyone is passionate about their jobs. So I think, here, everyone automatically has the same end goal, which is just do the good work.
So I really like the atmosphere. I think it’s a good balance between keeping people productive rather than busy. I think sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference for some companies. But this company, I think they understand the difference very well.
There are a couple of people, not just from the Teacher Department, but from other departments, and they happen to be going for dinner. We end up talking about work, but we keep having to tell ourselves, “okay, we need no work policy outside of work.” It’s very easy to get caught up, you know discussing We catch ourselves talking about work a lot. Mostly, if it’s not work, almost always we’re talking about food. We all love food. Japan has amazing food.


Are your work and private life fulfilling?


I would say so. I’m the type of person where my private life is more fulfilled if my work life is more fulfilled. If my work life is not fulfilled, it leads over to my private life and I get stressed on my day off.
See, to me, I’m always in tandem with each other. If one of them is fulfilled, the other be better. So I would say so, yes.


Tell us about your future career plans.


Right now I am concentrating on Yumekana.
I really do a see a future here. and I can’t believe how well the company is doing well in such a short time. And I’m happy to be a part of that now. But if I had to consider way off into the distance Perhaps I would end up when I am an old man. I will end up in maybe University perhaps as a university professor of creative writing. Something that will take me back to my roots when I was a student.
You know I love to do writing, acting and directing. I would probably be a university professor.


A message to those who are considering applying.


So if you are serious about being a educator, And if you want a environment where you can thrive, you can put your best ideas forward and take initiative, and act on your principles, Then is definitely the place for you!